Dear Mr Blodgett,
There is another
argument why microscopic black holes produced in high energy particle collisions
cannot be stable or even long-lived. This is quite apart from evaporation by
Hawking radiation (which I think will almost certainly happen). If we have the
reaction proton + proton --> BH + some particles, by a basic principle called
crossing symmetry the reaction proton + proton + some (anti-)particles --> BH
must be able to happen, with a calculable probability. Then the principle of
time reversal invariance, which we know to be true for the strong interaction
and gravity, tells us that the reversed process: BH --> antiproton +
antiproton + some particles must happen, and the time scale is as short as that
of the BH creation reaction, less than a femtosecond.
I conclude that even if for some starnge reason
Hawking evaporation does not occur, micro-black holes must still decay very
rapidly (before they could move even a mm.)
If you want to put this argument on your web site, go
sincerely, Mike Albrow